Yes, Sheetcards makes it easy to share your flashcards with others, offering both private and public sharing options:
Private Sharing: If you want to share your flashcards with specific people, you can use private sharing. Simply select the option to share privately, and add the email addresses of those you want to invite. To access the deck, each invited person will need a Sheetcards account registered with the same email you’ve shared it with, ensuring secure and exclusive access.
Public Sharing: For broader access, you can share your flashcards publicly, allowing anyone to view and use the deck without restrictions. This is ideal if you want to share your study resources with a larger audience, whether for collaborative studying or to make helpful materials accessible to others.
These sharing options provide flexibility, allowing you to control who can access your decks based on your preferences. Whether sharing with specific individuals or the public, Sheetcards helps you easily distribute your flashcards.